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<div> <span>【送料無料】バッドフィンガー</span> <span>CD[THE BEST OF BADFINGER VOLUME<font face="MS 明朝">Ⅱ</font><font face="MS P明朝">]+DVD[Badfinger/Wish You Were Here]133min</font><font face="MS 明朝">ピートハム</font><font face="MS P明朝">,</font><font face="MS 明朝">トム・エヴァンス,マイク・ギボンズ,ジョーイ・モーランド</font></span> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp;</span> </div> <div> <span>【送料無料】で</span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>英国のロックグループ《</span> <span>バッドフィンガー</span> <span>BADFINGER<font face="MS 明朝">》の後期ワーナー・ブラザース時代のベスト盤と彼らの軌跡を</font><font face="MS P明朝">TV</font><font face="MS 明朝">出演などで追った</font><font face="MS P明朝">DVD</font><font face="MS 明朝">1枚を出品致します。レンタル落ちではありません。</font></span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp;</span> </div> <div> <span>①<font face="MS P明朝">CD[THE BEST OF BADFINGER VOLUME</font><font face="MS 明朝">Ⅱ</font><font face="MS P明朝">] </font><font face="MS 明朝">全</font><font face="MS P明朝">17</font><font face="MS 明朝">曲 </font><font face="MS P明朝">R2 70978 1990</font><font face="MS 明朝">年</font><font face="MS P明朝">CD</font><font face="MS 明朝">発売&nbsp;米</font><font face="MS P明朝">RAINO</font><font face="MS 明朝">盤</font></span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span><font face="MS 明朝">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</font>*<font face="MS 明朝">詳しい曲名は画像</font><font face="MS P明朝">5</font><font face="MS 明朝">をご覧下さい。</font></span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp;</span> </div> <div> <span>②<font face="MS P明朝">DVD[Badfinger/Wish You Were Here]</font></span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span><font face="MS 明朝">・</font>THE TRAGIC STORY OF BADFINGER<font face="MS 明朝">&nbsp; </font><font face="MS P明朝">1997</font><font face="MS 明朝">年&nbsp;</font><font face="MS P明朝">88min</font></span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span><font face="MS 明朝">・</font>REHIND THE MUSIC <font face="MS 明朝">&nbsp;</font><font face="MS P明朝">2000</font><font face="MS 明朝">年&nbsp;</font><font face="MS P明朝">44min</font></span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</span> <span>*</span> <font face="MS 明朝">詳しい曲名は下記</font> <font face="MS 明朝">をご覧下さい。</font> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp;</span> </div> <div> <span>①は、</span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span><font face="MS 明朝">バッドフィンガーの中心人物であった故・ピート・ハムが残した音源を整理した</font>CD[<font face="MS 明朝">セブン・パーク・アヴェニュー</font><font face="MS P明朝">]</font><font face="MS 明朝">に以下のようなライナーがあります。</font></span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp;</span> </div> <div> <span><font face="MS 明朝">『</font>1990<font face="MS 明朝">年にはアメリカのライノから、やはりワーナー時代の</font><font face="MS P明朝">2</font><font face="MS 明朝">枚と未発表の「ヘッド・ファースト」とジョーイ・モーランドとトム・エヴァンスの再結成「エァウェイブス」をコンビレーションした</font><font face="MS P明朝">[</font><font face="MS 明朝">ザ・ベスト・オブ・バッドフィンガー・ヴォリューム</font><font face="MS P明朝">2]</font><font face="MS 明朝">が発売された。日本人でもイギリス人でもアメリカ人でも、考えることは同じなのだ。このアルバムに関しては、「ヴォリューム</font><font face="MS P明朝">1</font><font face="MS 明朝">が出てないのに、ヴォリューム</font><font face="MS P明朝">2</font><font face="MS 明朝">っていうのは、おかしいよね。」とジョーイ・モーランドが笑っていたのを思い出す。』</font><font face="MS P明朝">CD</font><font face="MS 明朝">ピート・ハム&nbsp; &nbsp;松村雄策氏ライナーノーツより</font></span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp;</span> </div> <div> <span>…という一節ですが、本作は、アップル時代の<font face="MS P明朝">4</font><font face="MS 明朝">枚のアルバムが裁判などで全く</font><font face="MS P明朝">CD</font><font face="MS 明朝">再発のめどが立たない時代にせめてワーナー・ブラザース時代のベスト盤を作ろうという意思で誕生したバッドフィンガー最初のベスト盤</font><font face="MS P明朝">CD</font><font face="MS 明朝">です。まだ</font><font face="MS P明朝">4</font><font face="MS 明朝">人編成のラスト・レコーディングであった「ヘッド・ファースト」が幻の音源であった時代にそこからも選曲した米ライノ・レコードには頭の下がるおもいで聴いた方もいると思います。因みに</font><font face="MS P明朝">5</font><font face="MS 明朝">年後の</font><font face="MS P明朝">1995</font><font face="MS 明朝">年、待望のアップル時代の</font><font face="MS P明朝">[THE BEST OF BADFINGER]</font><font face="MS 明朝">が東芝</font><font face="MS P明朝">EMI</font><font face="MS 明朝">からリリースされ</font><font face="MS P明朝">70</font><font face="MS 明朝">年代からの長~い時間を待ち続け、バッドカンパニーのレコード棚を探索していた若者であったバッドフィンガー・ファンはそれなりの大人になりやっと最後のパズルを完成することが出来ました。…かく言う私もその一人でした。すでにピート・ハムもトム・エヴァンスもこの世にはおらず《パワーポップ》という言葉だけが残りました。</font></span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp;</span> </div> <div> <span>1<font face="MS 明朝">曲目「</font><font face="MS P明朝">KNOW ONE KNOWS</font><font face="MS 明朝">」の間奏で日本人女性が日本語のセリフを喋るのが、元サディスティック・ミカ・バンドの加藤ミカさん。この時点ではレコーデイング・エンジニアのクリス・トーマス夫人。</font></span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp;</span> </div> <div> <span>②は、<font face="MS P明朝">[Badfinger/Wish You Were Here] &nbsp;</font><font face="MS 明朝">全</font><font face="MS P明朝">133min </font><font face="MS 明朝">コレクター盤</font></span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span><font face="MS 明朝">英国の</font>2<font face="MS 明朝">つの番組をパッケージしたバッドフィンガーの伝記的映像集です。</font></span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp;</span> </div> <div> <span><font face="MS 明朝">・</font>THE TRAGIC STORY OF BADFINGER<font face="MS 明朝">&nbsp; </font><font face="MS P明朝">1997</font><font face="MS 明朝">年&nbsp;</font><font face="MS P明朝">88min</font></span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span><font face="MS 明朝">のほうは</font>TV<font face="MS 明朝">出演シーンをノーカットで曲間に</font><font face="MS P明朝">G/</font><font face="MS 明朝">ジョーイ・モ-ランドと</font><font face="MS P明朝">Dr/</font><font face="MS 明朝">マイク・ギボンズのインタビューを挟んでいます。画質は良く</font><font face="MS P明朝">VHS</font><font face="MS 明朝">からのコピーではなさそうです。完走する曲とバックで流れる曲目は下記の通りです。</font></span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp;</span> </div> <div> <span>1,COME AND GET IT</span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>2,MAYBE TOMORROW</span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>3,CARR ON TIL TOMORROW</span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>4,NO MATTAR WHAT</span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>5,WITHOUT YOU(BGM)</span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>6,I DON</span> <span>’</span> <span>T MIND</span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>7,BABY BLUE</span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>8,MONEY</span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>9,SUITCASE <font face="MS 明朝">→ ピートのスライドギターが見どころです!</font></span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>10,NAME OF THE GAME</span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>11,APPLE OF MY EYE</span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>12,TAKE IT ALL</span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp;</span> </div> <div> <span><font face="MS 明朝">・</font>REHIND THE MUSIC <font face="MS 明朝">&nbsp;</font><font face="MS P明朝">2000</font><font face="MS 明朝">年&nbsp;</font><font face="MS P明朝">44min</font></span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span><font face="MS 明朝">のほうは当時の彼らを取り巻くガールフレンドやマネージャーそしてビートルズの面々との関係をまとめた</font>TV<font face="MS 明朝">出演シーンやインタビューで構成された</font><font face="MS P明朝">DVD</font><font face="MS 明朝">です。曲は完走するものはありませんが、上記</font><font face="MS P明朝">THE TRAGIC STORY</font><font face="MS 明朝">~で使われていないプライベートな映像も多く名曲「</font><font face="MS P明朝">WITHOUT YOU</font><font face="MS 明朝">」の短い演奏シーンもあります。画像は前者ほど良くはありませんがほぼオリジナル映像と思います。二人のメンバーの死と最後はひとりになるジョーイがバッドフィンガーを名乗っての活動までという数奇な運命のグループをテンポよくまとめています。</font></span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp;</span> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp;</span> </div> <div> <span><font face="MS 明朝">在庫整理で出品致しますが、申し訳ありませんがバラ売りは致しません。</font>2<font face="MS 明朝">枚セットでの購入をお願い致します。</font></span> <span>大切にしまってありましたが、</span> <span>盤面は奇麗ですが、</span> <span>保管期間は長かったので</span> <span>、</span> <span>神経質な方はご遠慮下さい。ノークレームノーリターンでお願い致します。迅速な発送を心がけます。</span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp;</span> </div> <div> <span>&nbsp;</span> </div> <div> <span><font face="MS Pゴシック">他にも音楽</font>CD・DVDを中心に色々と出品しています</span> <span></span> </div> <div> <span>↓</span> <span></span> </div> <div> <a href="javascript:void(0);"><u><span>https://auctions.yahoo.co.jp/seller/prine38</span></u></a> <span></span> </div> <div> <br> </div> <div> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </div> <div> <div> [Free Shipping] Badfinger CD [THE BEST OF BADFINGER VOLUME II] + DVD [Badfinger/Wish You Were Here] 133min Peteham, Tom Evans, Mike Gibbons, Joey Morland </div> <div> &nbsp; </div> <div> [free shipping] </div> <div> We will be exhibiting the British rock group "Badfinger BADFINGER"'s best album from the late Warner Bros. era and a DVD that follows their trajectory through TV appearances. It is not a rental omission. </div> <div> &nbsp; </div> <div> ①CD[THE BEST OF BADFINGER VOLUMEⅡ] All 17 songs R2 70978 Released in 1990 RAINO board </div> <div> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; *Please see image 5 for detailed song titles. </div> <div> &nbsp; </div> <div> ②DVD [Badfinger/Wish You Were Here] </div> <div> ・THE TRAGIC STORY OF BADFINGER 1997 88min </div> <div> ・REHIND THE MUSIC 2000 44min </div> <div> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; *See below for more song titles. </div> <div> &nbsp; </div> <div> ① is </div> <div> The CD [Seven Park Avenue], which organizes the sound sources left by the late Pete Ham, who was the central figure of Badfinger, has the following liner. </div> <div> &nbsp; </div> <div> ``In 1990, from Rhino in the United States, the combination of two albums from the Warner era, the unreleased ``Head First,'' and the reunion of Joey Morland and Tom Evans, ``Airwaves,'' [The Best of Badfinger Volume 2] was released. Japanese, British, and Americans all think the same. Regarding this album, I remember Joey Morland laughing, "It's strange to have Volume 2 when Volume 1 hasn't been released." ] CD Pete Ham from Yusaku Matsumura's liner notes </div> <div> &nbsp; </div> <div> …But this work is the first Badfinger that was born with the intention of making at least the best album of the Warner Bros. This is the best CD of. I think there are some people who listened to the US Rhino Records, which selected songs from the era when "Head First", which was the last recording of the four-piece formation, was a phantom sound source. By the way, five years later, in 1995, the long-awaited Apple-era [THE BEST OF BADFINGER] was released from Toshiba EMI. The Badfinger fan has grown up and finally completed the last puzzle. … I was one of them. Both Pete Ham and Tom Evans are no longer in this world, and only the word "power pop" remains. </div> <div> &nbsp; </div> <div> In the interlude of the first song "KNOW ONE KNOWS", Mika Kato, formerly of the Sadistic Mika Band, speaks Japanese lines. Mrs. Chris Thomas, the recording engineer at this point. </div> <div> &nbsp; </div> <div> ② is [Badfinger/Wish You Were Here] All 133min Collector Edition </div> <div> A biographical collection of Badfinger films packaged in two British shows. </div> <div> &nbsp; </div> <div> ・THE TRAGIC STORY OF BADFINGER 1997 88min </div> <div> On the other hand, the TV appearance scene is uncut, and an interview with G/Joey Morland and Dr/Mike Gibbons is sandwiched between songs. The image quality is good and it seems that it is not a copy from VHS. The songs that complete the race and the songs that play in the background are as follows. </div> <div> &nbsp; </div> <div> 1, COME AND GET IT </div> <div> 2, MAYBE TOMORROW </div> <div> 3,CARR ON TIL TOMORROW </div> <div> 4, NO MATTAR WHAT </div> <div> 5, WITHOUT YOU (BGM) </div> <div> 6, I DON'T MIND </div> <div> 7, BABY BLUE </div> <div> 8, MONEY </div> <div> 9, SUITCASE → Pete's slide guitar is the highlight! </div> <div> 10, NAME OF THE GAME </div> <div> 11, APPLE OF MY EYE </div> <div> 12,TAKE IT ALL </div> <div> &nbsp; </div> <div> ・REHIND THE MUSIC 2000 44min </div> <div> is a DVD consisting of TV appearance scenes and interviews that summarize the relationships with the girlfriends, managers, and members of the Beatles who surrounded them at the time. There is no song to complete, but there are many private images that are not used in THE TRAGIC STORY ~ above, and there is also a short performance scene of the famous song “WITHOUT YOU”. The image is not as good as the former, but I think it is almost the original image. The death of two members and Joey, who is alone at the end, summarizes the group with a checkered fate, including activities under the name of Bad Finger. </div> <div> &nbsp; </div> <div> &nbsp; </div> <div> I'm sorry, but I won't sell them separately. Please purchase a set of 2. Although it was carefully stored, the board surface is beautiful, but the storage period was long, so please refrain from nervous people. I need your help by a no claim no return. I will try to ship quickly. </div> </div> <div> <br> </div> <div> <span><font face="MS 明朝"><br></font></span> </div>

  • p1003671410

  • 1

  • 没有明显的伤痕和污渍

  • 卖家承担

  • 07月01日 19:39:26

  • 07月08日 19:39:26

  • 有可能

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